Second Jewelry Industry Summit launches report on supply chain talks

Albert Robinson

The organizers of the Jewelry Industry Summit announced today the publication of the final report on the recent meeting in Tucson, Arizona.
Nearly 150 people from 14 different countries came together as a follow-up to the first summit in New York in March 2016 to discuss collective action on strengthening a sustainable and responsible supply chain.

The goals of the second summit included the development of a shared vision for key segments of the industry supply chain that support the broader industry vision for sustainable business and responsible sourcing,” according to a press statement. “Another important goal was to develop practical tools and strategies that are easily accessible, allowing businesses to make progress through continuous improvement.”

The Summit report describes the results of the two-day interactive workshop in Tucson. Updates were delivered on the initiatives kicked off at the previous Jewelry Industry Summit in March 2016, including the communication and marketing initiative #ResponsibleJewelryStories. Building on existing efforts and generating new initiatives, participants at the Second Summit engaged in dynamic and innovative ways to make their mark on the responsible jewelry movement. The initiatives created touch on a broad range of the jewelry supply chain and reflect the creative ways that anyone can participate in advancing the Summit mission, including some of the following:

The Small Jeweler Ethical Toolkit: A virtual toolkit to aid small jewelers in understanding the issues and existing standards in the jewelry industry. It also aims to provide resources and tools to help small jewelers on their ethical journey.

Jewelry Industry Summit

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Source Idexonline